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  • Writer's pictureMrs. Kamyee

Apr 27- May 1, 2020 - Art History Focus -PHOTOGRAPHY & a Lighthouse Drawing!

When we look at artists' work from the past, we can learn a LOT about the time period in history, what makes art 'good', and how to make our own art better.

Here are two projects based on inspiration from two very different American artists who lived at the same time (late 1800s- 1960s) Dorothea Lange, a photographer, and Edward Hopper, a painter.

Their artwork focuses on people's ordinary lives. A lot of the people are poor and are sometimes sad or in lonely settings.

I hope you enjoy learning about them and letting your own artwork be inspired by their famous artwork.

Student Artwork Slideshow!

Lesson #1 - K-5th Grade

Dorothea Lange Photography Assignment

Dorothea Lange (1895-1965) was an American photographer during the 'Great Depression', a time when many people lost their jobs and barely had enough money for basic needs.


Any kind of camera


1. Watch the video below 'Mati & Dada: Dorothea Lange'.

2. Take pictures of "ordinary people doing ordinary things." Try to think about how your life is different now during this quarantine time at home. Can you take pictures that tell the story of your ordinary life with the people and things in your world right now? Can you show how you and your family are feeling now in your picture?

3. Email me or post your favorite pictures here in the comments.

"Migrant Mother" by Dorothea Lange, 1936

Mati & Dada: Dorothea Lange

Some examples from my home during quarantine:

Lesson #2 - K - 5th Grade

Edward Hopper Lighthouse Inspired Picture

Lighthouses are symbols of hope and can help us remember that God is with us, guiding us even in uncertain times.


Pencil, Paper, Black Pen (Optional!), Colors (crayons, colored pencils, etc.)


1. Choose a lighthouse drawing video. There are three different levels for you to choose from. You can draw exactly like the video or change your picture how you want!

2. Add your own details. Remember to add FOREGROUND, MIDDLE GROUND & BACKGROUND so that you can see what is all around your lighthouse!

3. Color your picture!

Listen to this song while you color your picture. :) You can choose either version you want!

Beginner (Grades K-1)



Black Pen (Optional)

Colors (Crayons, Colored Pencils, Watercolor, etc.)

Medium (Grades 2-4)



Black Pen (Optional)

Colors (Crayons, Colored Pencils, Watercolor, etc.)

Tricky!! (Grades 3-5)

Materials Needed

Pen or Pencil, Watercolors

"My Lighthouse" - K - 2nd Grade

"My Lighthouse" - 3-5th grade version

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11 commentaires

05 mai 2020

Yuki 5V


02 mai 2020


02 mai 2020

Woosung 4J


02 mai 2020

Junghoo 1L


02 mai 2020

Hageon 1KB

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